torsdag 26. mai 2011

What is asperger syndrome, and how is it possible to see that Christopher suffers from it?

In the book “the curious incident of the dog in the night time”, we meet Christopher, a 15 year old boy with asberger syndrome. Asberger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by difficulties in social interaction. A person with asberger syndrome does also have special interests, and they have often an intense interest for a special theme, such as math.  


Christopher describes himself as “a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties”, and that is a characteristic which is describing Christopher in a good way. He knows only 2 persons (his father and teacher) well, and have therefore barely any social contact at all. However, this is exactly what he wants, for he want to be alone as much as possible. Christopher has also an intense interest for math. 

Therefore, it is possible to draw a line from his behaviour and to asberger syndrome. This is also confirmed by a small summary, written inside the book’s cover. 

However, is asberger syndrome really a disorder? If we ask Christopher, he would most probably say no. Many persons say that people with asberger syndrome are different from the rest of us, but not disabled, like many of us are thinking. I do agree a bit in that, it is e.g. important to remember that persons with asberger often are much better in math and science.